my friend's question is "if you can be someones for a day who would it be and why?
my answer is simple. i want to be aissa gonzalez (bianca gonzalez elder sister)
why? because if i will be aissa, i can be with bianca the whole possible day!
everyone who close to me know that bianca gonzalez is my favorite tv personality! she's my top favorite, i don't care if some people would raised their eyebrows, but im a HUGE FAN of bianca! sooooo huge!
i know every llittle facts about her, i follow her blog for 8 years now. i watched her show, she's one of the reason why i sign up in twitter, she's a big inspiration why i keep trying to make blogs, even thought im not good in writing, she's the reason why i keep following my dreams, and she's the only one who make me had tumbling shot in leaning tower! hahahahahahhaha
so if im aissa i can be with her, we can bond and have sisterly talks, i can grab some unforgetable moments with her, i can ask everything to her, she will be my bestfriend for a day,she can tell me her secrets, and lastly i can her sister for day!
meet bianca gonzalez ang her sister aissa
this picture took when bianca visit her ate in london (aissa is now london based, working as interior designer)
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i don't own the picture i took it from, this picture was shown in bianca gonzalez blog, twitter became bridge to me to get bianca's attention (take note i didn;t tweet her much like obsessed followers like others) it happened when she has a few thousand followers and twitter is not crowded, celebrities like her are easily reachable, i tweet her bout the switch things for a day, i said i wish to be aissa so i can be her sister even just for a day, to my shock when im reading her tweets i saw my name being meantion!! i got replied! bianca saw my tweets and she replied!! woooohoooooo!!! i almost faint! em super duper kilig!! (sorry for the exxageration but its true! hahahahahahahaha) i feels like im so lucky like winning lotto for that simple written conversation. another mention followed after a month. 2 years forward, she aask her almost million follower (right now, 100grand more follower to reach 2 million) to show their tumbling shot in their travels,, if you're bianca's follower, you know that she love tumbling shot anywhere!! she love random tumbling moment in all the places she been luckily 2 years ago before her announcement, i made a tumbling shot in my 10 days tour in pisa and i had mine in leaning tower of pisa. i send her my picture and to my surprised she send me DM (direct message) in twitter!! ohlalalla it's getting nice!! here's my tumbling shot in leaning tower more than 2 years ago.
and the direct message i received from her,, a drem come true!!
i haven't met Bianca in person, but i know it my heart, we will be! some people may find me jologs or corny coz i'm acting as a fanatic, i really don't care about what they say, coz for me, Bianca is not only a TV personality, she a good role model, a super girl wannabe, a good example of inspiration and one good human being that god almost perfectly made! Bianca Gonzalez is "love ko to" (em i endorsing Mcdo too like her?!) hhhhahahahahahahahahahaha |